Lt Col Dave Krebs High Flight Scholarship
National $4,000
Receive a one-time $4,000 scholarship. This scholarship is open to high school seniors nationwide who are in good standing with AFJROTC or CAPS.
Emerald Coast $2,500
The Emerald Coast category is open to high school seniors in good standing with JROTC (any service component) or CAPS who reside in the following northwest Florida counties: Escambia, Santa Rosa, Okaloosa, Walton, Holmes, Washington, and Bay. The winner will receive a one-time $2,500 scholarship. Applicants will automatically be considered for the national-level scholarship but can only receive one scholarship in total.
- Eligibility Criteria
- Application Procedures
- Student Data Information
- Selection Procedures
- Policy Letter
Eligibility Criteria
Scholarship applicants must meet the following criteria.
- A senior member who is in good standing in the AFJROTC or CAP.
- Be a graduating senior attending any high school.
- Be recommended by a guidance counselor, principal, JR ROTC or CAP instructor, teacher or coach.
- Have applied to the Registrar of an institution of higher learning.
- Have a 2.5 grade point average or better with records showing college-level abilities and preparation.
- Have a desire to become a “Pilot” and have specific plans to pursue pilot training (either civilian or military).
- Financial need will also be a consideration.
- If you are receiving a full scholarship to any military academy or university, you are not eligible for this scholarship.
- Complete scholarship application in accordance with the application procedures.
- Understand, with exceptions noted in Policy Letter (Item 7), accepting this scholarship does not preclude the recipient from receiving other scholarships.
Application Procedures
- Complete the application form and attach all required documents before submitting. No paper submissions will be accepted. Do NOT include additional documentation such as resume, etc. Packages may be eliminated if not submitted as instructed.
- Scan and attach a completed Student Data Information Form, this form must be filled out and signed by a guidance counselor. (See the next tab for link to form)
- Scan and attach a letter of recommendation from one of the individuals listed in number 3 of the eligibility criteria section.
- Completed scholarship packages must include the following components: Application form, student data information, and the letter of recommendation.
- Submit completed packages no later than the 30th of March.
Student Data Information
Selection Procedures
Judging will be by an impartial committee of at least three individuals working independently. This committee will include three members of the Air Commando Association who are not personally related to any of the applicants. Judges will base their selections on the applications submitted.
The scholarship recipient will be selected no later than 30 April of each year based on:
- Verification of eligibility.
- Application completed in full.
- Scholastic achievement (class rank, grade point average, academic courses, etc.).
- Financial need.
- Extracurricular activities and interests (honors and awards, school and community involvement, JROTC, CAP, outside employment).
- Consideration will be given for number of high schools attended when there was limited opportunity to participate in activities due to frequent school transfer.
- Educational goals.
- Judges’ overall evaluation of the application data.
Policy Letter
Policy Letter for Krebs High Flight Scholarship
- This scholarship is based on scholastic achievement, financial need and extracurricular activities and interests with special emphasis on applicants that are interested in pursuing a career in aviation, specifically pilot training.
- The scholarship of $4,000 will be awarded and the recipient must meet the eligibility requirements.
- Official verification of the recipient’s registration/enrollment from the institution of higher learning must be received by ACA prior to distribution of funds.
- The ACA Treasurer will mail the scholarship check directly to the Financial Aid Office at the school of choice. The Financial Aid Office will be instructed the winner may use the money only for tuition and academic expenses paid through the Financial Aid Office.
- If the winner transfers to another school before using all available funds, the Financial Aid Office may transfer remaining funds to the Financial Aid Office of the school where the student is transferring. The Financial Aid Office must notify ACA of such transfer.
- If the winner ceases to attend classes at the school of choice and does not transfer to another school, the Financial Aid Office will return any moneys remaining in the fund to ACA.
- The $4,000 will be returned to Dave Krebs Scholarship Fund should the winner receive a full scholarship from any source after accepting the ACA Scholarship. ACA considers a full scholarship to be one that covers tuition and on-campus room and board for four years.
- The winner will be notified prior to receiving the award. If the original winner declines acceptance of the scholarship, a subsequent winner will be notified as soon as possible. Failure to respond to ACA within 30 days of notification with acknowledgement of acceptance of the scholarship constitutes a declination of the scholarship.
- Any student planning delayed school enrollment must notify ACA and the scholarship money will be held in the student’s name for eight months after notification. Money not deposited with the student’s school of choice by that time will revert back to the Dave Krebs Scholarship Fund.
Note: This letter is to be retained by the applicant and may be used as an informational reference by universities or institutions receiving funds on behalf of the student(s)