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Air Commando Journal

Written By Air Commandos • For Air Commandos

Our goal is to educate Air Commandos (and all other interested parties) past, present and future on the heritage, history, weapons systems, key units, current operations and overall contributions of Air Commandos towards the preservation of all the values that make this the greatest nation in history.

For over seventy years Air Commandos have led the way in American conflicts to protect and preserve the values that all Americans hold so dear. Literally from World War II till tonight, when deployed AFSOC forces will engage in the latest conflicts, Air Commandos have found unique ways to accomplish tasks that no other forces are equipped for or have the mindset to complete. 

The Air Commando Association has developed a professional journal that covers the gamut of Air Force Special Operators, their equipment, units, and most importantly, the people who through the years have made it happen. Each issue explores the past through the present with articles written by heroes, scholars, commanders and today’s Air Commandos.

Latest Issue of the ACJ

Advertise in the Journal

The Air Commando Journal directly targets your audience. Every person, every official, every organization that receives this one-of-a-kind professional journal is connected to Air Force Special Operations. Thousands of our members need your services, leaders and officials need to know your technical expertise, and groups and decision makers want what you are selling.
The Air Commando Association is a non-profit veteran’s organization and all issues published will be distributed free of charge in hard copy to audiences that include our membership, AFSOC leadership and all their units, OSD, Congress, US Special Operations Command and others that have an interest in making sure the forces of today are equipped and trained to carry on the ethos of the “Quiet Professionals”. All issues are also posted on our website in electronic format.

Full Page Ad

A full page advertisement in the Air Commando Journal is our most popular size. Get your message across by dominating the space!

  • $3,000 per issue
  • Discount on four (4) ads
  • 20% Discount for our corporate partners
  • Size: 8 x 10 inches
  • Bleeds available
Premium Pages

Command attention with a premium page! Secure a full page advertisement on the inside front or inside back cover page.

  • $4,000 per issue
  • Size: 8 x 10 inches
  • 20% Discount for our corporate partners
Half Page Ad

Looking for an economical solution for your advertising needs? A half page ad is a great way to get noticed without blowing your advertising budget.

  • $2,000 per issue
  • Discount on four (4) ads
  • 20% Discount for our corporate partners
  • Size: 8 x 5 1/2 inches
  • Bleeds are available
Quarter Page Ad

Are you looking to test the advertising waters in the ACJ? Our quarter page ad gives you the chance to see if our audience is a good fit for your services.

  • $1,000 per issue
  • Discount of four (4) ads
  • 20% corporate partner discount
  • Size: 3 1/2 x 5 inches
  • No bleeds are available with the quarter page ad
Card Size Ad

Here is the solution for any business that needs to stay visible long term. The eighth page ad size allows you to continually run your ad so you can build recognition with our readers.

  • $500 per issue
  • Discount on four (4) ads
  • 20% Discount for our corporate partners
  • Size: 3 x 2 1/2 inches
  • No bleeds are available in this size

Archived Issues of the ACJ

Article & Book Review Guidelines

ACJ Article Submission Guidelines

Our goal at the ACJ is to tell the Air Commando and USAF Special Operations story, from our beginning to today. We need your help to do that. We seek quality articles, well written, factually based, and reflecting your experiences living the special operations mission in all of its complexities.

Submissions can be of any length, although 1500- 3000 words would be an average suggestion. All articles will be edited as per the Air University Style and Author Guide . Any articles written by active-duty members must go through an official Security & Policy Review process and must be submitted to your Wing Public Affairs staff prior to submission to the ACA.

Submit your files electronically to: info@, see form below. We use MS-Word, and we also appreciate accompanying photos. Photos should be high resolution (300 dpi) and must indicate the source, have a release for use, and a brief description. If your submission is copyrighted, we will indicate that on the article. Please feel free to contact us for more information.

Book Reviews

A book review is often an easy way to try your hand at writing professionally. The Air Commando Journal is seeking reviews of books that may be of interest to our readers. Book reviews should be between 750 and 1,000 words, and provide readers with an overview of the book, a judgement regarding the author’s argument, and a recommendation about the audience the book is most appropriate for. If you have an idea for a review, please contact our editors at They will be happy to advise and assist you.
If you are an author of a book about Special Operations, Air Commandos, or anything related to us and want the Air Commando Journal to review your book, please email to arrange shipment of a complimentary copy for review.

Submit Your Article
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The author's full name and rank (if applicable)
An "About the Author" is a short 2 or 3 sentence that describes who wrote the article and gives legitimacy to the author's knowledge on the subject/topic.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 10 files.
Upload your article and images. We allow word/text based documents and images/graphics such as .png, .jpg, and PDF.
Membership in the Air Commando Association is not required, if you are interested we would love to have you join us.