Scholarships Offered by the ACA
Lt Col Dave Krebs High Flight Scholarship
Receive a one time four thousand dollar Scholarship. Targeted at students who are committed to pursuing a career in aviation, specifically pilot training. This scholarship is open to senior high school students who are in good standing of the AFJROTC or CAPS. This scholarship is competitive in nature and judged by a committee of ACA members who have no relationship to the candidates. Deadline for this scholarship each year is 30 March, the winner will be announced on 30 April.
Ray Bourque Service Scholarship
Open to senior high school students of the AFJROTC or CAPS who are in good standing and who have demonstrated support for veterans groups and humanitarian community efforts. Ray Bourque is unsurpassed in volunteering his time not only to a host of ACA efforts, but veteran and humanitarian programs throughout the community. Ray epitomizes the Air Commando ethos of the Quiet Professional. This scholarship is competitive in nature and judged by a committee of ACA members who have no relationship to the candidates. Deadline for this scholarship each year is 30 March, the winner will be announced on 30 April.
Charles Hicks ACA Scholarship
The ACA awards four individual Charles Hicks scholarships of $1,500 each. The scholarships will be awarded at the general membership meeting held during the ACA annual convention in October each year. The Board of Directors will randomly select the winners from the eligible candidates submitted by the membership.