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Job Openings with ACA Corporate Partners

Information Operations / Special Operations MISO Policy Analyst


The Hoplite Group is seeking to hire an Information Operations / Special Operations Related Military Information Support Operations Policy Analysis Support Services member at the Pentagon, to support the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict (OASD SO/LIC) OASD SO/LIC’s responsibilities to provide the overall supervision (including oversight of policy and resources) of special operations activities.


  • Ability to interface with senior level management.
  • Demonstrated excellent verbal, interpersonal and written communication skills.


  • Master’s degree from an accredited university in any field of study
  • Experience program budget review and force management experience.


  • Bachelor’s degree from accredited university
  • Minimum 4 years of combined Joint, OSD, or Service level Information Operations (IO), Operations in the Information Environment (OIE), Information Warfare (IW), Special Operations with special emphasis on Military Information Support Operations (MISO), sensitive special activities/operations.


  • Active Top Secret/SCI


  • Travel may be required, CONUS/OCONUS.
  • Normal Duty Hours – Monday-Friday, 0730-1630.
  • Mission may require extended shifts or weekend work.
  • Alternative Work Location/Telework may be considered on a case-by-case basis.

APPLY HERE: Information Operations / Special Operations MISO Policy Analyst


OSD and Special Operations Plans and Strategies Analyst


The Hoplite Group is seeking to hire an OSD Plans and Strategies Analysis support services member at the Pentagon, to support the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict (OASD SO/LIC) OASD SO/LIC’s responsibilities to provide the overall supervision (including oversight of policy and resources) of special operations activities.


The OSD SOLIC Plans and Strategies Analysis support services member will provide SME analysis and advice within ASD SO/LIC for Departmental campaign planning and strategy. Staff, coordinate, and further develop strategies, concepts, campaign plans, and orders related to USSOCOM and special operations, in support of the Office of Secretary of Defense, Policy. Staff, coordinate, and further develop posture plans, in support of campaign plans related to USSOCOM and special operations, in support of the Office of Secretary of Defense, Policy. Support ASD(SO/LIC) integration into future operations, crisis action and compartmented contingency planning to inform senior leader decision-making and support combatant command special operation planning requirements. Lead and facilitate OASD(SO/LIC) integration with USSOCOM global synchronization of DOD trans-regional combating terrorism and countering weapons of mass destruction (CWMD) efforts from design and implementation through assessment of planning efforts and synchronization venues. Liaison and coordination among all participants during deliberate and crisis action planning and the execution of a crisis action team (CAT). Facilitate OASD(SO/LIC) integration into functional working groups from other agencies/departments, and the Joint Staff. Facilitate OASD(SO/LIC) integration with operational planning requirements through Joint Staff management practices and procedures. Assist in hosting/chairing meetings, visitations or conferences related to contingency and operations plans, emerging special operations opportunities and other initiatives. Analyze DoD and combatant commands operations, plans, and strategies for Special Operations equities and integration. Facilitate and support OASD(SO/LIC) integration into detailed planning, research, and analysis for deliberate and contingency planning working groups related to counterterrorism (CT), counter weapons of mass destruction (CWMD), counter-narcotics (CN) and other special operations activities. Facilitate and lead OASD(SO/LIC) integration with USSOCOM’s “Coordinating Authority” responsibility in support of the National Military Strategic Plan to Counter Trans-regional Terrorist Organizations.


  • Minimum 10 years of combined OSD, Joint Staff, USSOCOM, or Service level policy, programs, and force management experience.
  • Minimum 5 years of combined Joint, Combined, Interagency, and Regional experience working military operations, to include strategic and operational levels in joint, combined, and interagency environments
  • Minimum 4 years of experience in deliberate and crisis action planning at the operational or strategic level to include expert knowledge of the Joint Operational Plans and Execution System procedures.
  • Minimum 3 years of experience leading or participating in integrated process teams or joint planning groups at the operational or strategic levels.
  • Ability to interface with senior level management
  • Demonstrated excellent verbal, interpersonal and written communication skills
  • Demonstrated ability to provide technical support and advice


  • Must have at Active Top Secret/with SCI eligibility


  • Bachelor’s degree from accredited university
  • Preferred: Master’s degree from an accredited university in any field of study
  • Graduate of Senior Service College or equivalent Senior Service Fellowship Program
  • Graduate of Joint Advanced Warfighting School (JAWS), School of Advanced Military Studies (SAMS), School of Advanced Air and Space Studies (SAASS), Maritime Advanced Warfighting School (MAWS), School of Advanced Warfighting (SAW), or equivalent.


  • Travel may be required, CONUS/OCONUS.
  • Normal Duty Hours – Monday-Friday, 0730-1630.
  • Mission may require extended shifts or weekend work.
  • Alternative Work Location/Telework may be considered on a case-by-case basis.

APPLY HERE: OSD and Special Operations Plans and Strategies Analyst

Special Operations Aviation Analyst


The Hoplite Group is seeking to hire a Aviation Analysis Support Services member at the Pentagon, to support the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict (OASD SO/LIC) OASD SO/LIC’s responsibilities to provide the overall supervision (including oversight of policy and resources) of special operations activities.


The OSD SOLIC Aviation Analysis Support Services member will provide SO&IW staff with technical advice and analysis of SO maritime capabilities support and requirements in the OSD Planning, Programming and Budget processes and Joint Staff Requirement process resulting in OSD Program Decision Memorandum (PDM) and Program Budget Decision (PBD). Provide SO Aviation SME technical support to SO&IW representative at CAPE issue team meetings to resolve Program Objective Memorandum (POM) decisions. Provide SO&IW staff and SO/LIC leadership with technical advice on SO aviation capabilities, plans, and funding to support the drafting and development of materials needed for Department and Interagency meetings and requests from Department leadership. Provide SO&IW SO aviation analysis of USSOCOM’s Capability Planning Guidance (CPG) and Program Planning Instruction for compliance with OSD policy and priorities. Provide SO&IW analysis of USSOCOM’s POM, specifically aviation programs and, when appropriate, identify and write issue papers addressing disconnects between USSOCOM and other Services POMs related to SO aviation programs and capabilities. Provide SO&IW an analysis of USSOCOM’s SO aviation programs in POM baseline including program milestones, fielding plans, roadmaps, budgets, and execution status. Provide SO&IW an analysis of USSOCOM’s compliance with OSD priorities for SO aviation and ISR programs following USSOCOM Integrated Process Team –building POM. Provide written advice and recommendations to SO&IW representative for Functional Capabilities Board and weekly Working Group meetings, attending as necessary to maintain situational awareness and make recommendations, as required, on topics, requirements, and gaps that have SO aviation equities. Provide analysis of USSOCOM’s SOF aviation capabilities, for material acquisition, modernization, and force development programs compliance with OSD policies. Provide technical assistance on SO aviation programs for congressional reports, directed studies, briefings, GAO reviews, and DoD IG audits. Provide written technical analysis and support to ASD (SO/LIC)’s representative at SOF aviation related conferences. Provide SO aviation technical analysis and support to ASD (SO/LIC) representative at the Special Operation Policy Oversight Committee. SME duties include monitoring SOF aviation issues in debate by Congress and having detailed knowledge of any SOF aviation issues requiring Congressional reports such as, mobility, light attack/armed reconnaissance, ISR, or Aviation Foreign Internal Defense (AvFID).


  • Minimum 4 years of combined Joint, OSD, or Service level aviation policies, programs, OSD program budget review and force management experience.
  • Minimum 4 years of experience with USSOCOM Strategic Planning Process or Service force management process.
  • Ability to interface with senior level management
  • Demonstrated excellent verbal, interpersonal and written communication skills
  • Demonstrated ability to provide technical support and advice


  • Must have at Active Top Secret/with SCI eligibility


  • Bachelor’s degree from accredited university
  • Preferred: Master’s degree from an accredited university in any field of study


  • Travel may be required, CONUS/OCONUS.
  • Normal Duty Hours – Monday-Friday, 0730-1630.
  • Mission may require extended shifts or weekend work.
  • Alternative Work Location/Telework may be considered on a case-by-case basis.

APPLY HERE: Special Operations Aviation Analyst

Special Operations Training, Exercise, Education and Readiness Analyst


The Hoplite Group is seeking to hire a Training, Exercise, Education, & Readiness Analyst at the Pentagon, to support the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict (OASD SO/LIC) OASD SO/LIC’s responsibilities to provide the overall supervision (including oversight of policy and resources) of special operations activities.


The OSD SOLIC Training, Exercise, Education, & Readiness Analyst will provide technical expertise on Joint Combined Exercise for Training (JCET) authorities and research, track, coordinate within DoD and the interagency and staff for approval all JCET events. Research, track, coordinate and staff for notification and approval all Realistic Military Training events within Departmental guidelines. Provide SME technical analysis, support, written advice and recommendations the Government on Special Operations training programs to include developing budgetary and programmatic guidance. Provide SME technical analysis, support, written advice and recommendations the Government on Special Operations education programs to include developing budgetary and programmatic guidance. Provide SME technical analysis of USSOCOM’s SO training programs, Joint Special Operations University education programs, and SO exercise programs in POM baseline including program milestones, fielding plans, roadmaps, budgets, and execution status. Provide SME technical analysis on integration and policy compliance of SOF training requirements matters in the Joint process. Provide SO&IW analysis of SO- training, exercises, and education-authorities, related legislative proposals, congressional marks up, appeals, directed studies and reports. Assist in drafting Congressional testimony for Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low Intensity Conflict (ASD SO/LIC) Annual Posture Statement pertaining to SO training programs, readiness, and SOF education. Provide SME technical analysis of SOF interoperability with the general purpose forces. Provide SO SME technical support for the DoD and SOF Language Program. Provide written technical analysis and support to ASD (SO/LIC)’s representative at USSOCOM’s Personnel and Readiness conference and OSD P&R conferences. Provide SME technical analysis and support to ASD (SO/LIC) for readiness matters at the Special Operation Policy and Oversight Council.


  • Minimum 5 years of combined Joint, OSD, or Service level training policy, readiness, reporting, Joint Combined Exercise Training, education and global force management experience
  • Minimum 4 years of experience at OSD or Service level in managing SOF education and OSD language program
  • Minimum 3 years of experience with Global Force Management and the Secretary of Defense Orders Book process
  • Ability to interface with senior level management
  • Demonstrated excellent verbal, interpersonal and written communication skills
  • Demonstrated ability to provide technical support and advice


  • Must have at Active Top Secret/with SCI eligibility


  • Bachelor’s degree from accredited university
  • Preferred: Master’s degree from an accredited university in any field of study


  • Travel may be required, CONUS/OCONUS.
  • Normal Duty Hours – Monday-Friday, 0730-1630.
  • Mission may require extended shifts or weekend work.
  • Alternative Work Location/Telework may be considered on a case-by-case basis.

APPLY HERE: Special Operations Training, Exercise, Education and Readiness Analyst

Special Operations Sensitive Activities and Compartmented Program Analyst


The Hoplite Group is seeking to hire an SA & Compartmented Program Analysis support services member at the Pentagon, to support the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict (OASD SO/LIC) OASD SO/LIC’s responsibilities to provide the overall supervision (including oversight of policy and resources) of special operations activities.


The OSD SOLIC SA & Compartmented Program Analysis support services member will provide specialized sensitive activity and SAP operations expertise and advice to ASD/SOLIC and SOLIC/SO&CT staff and leadership. Provide policy analysis and subject matter expertise in support of DOD sensitive activity capabilities, plans, requirements program, budget and execution. Support ASD/SOLIC sensitive activity and SAP program reporting requirements by writing, editing, reviewing and fact-checking congressional and other reports including, but not limited to, SAP annual reports, Clandestine Quarterly report inputs, GAO audits and Departmental responses to them, and IG reports and Departmental responses to them. Such support will also include episodic or issue-specific reports arising from program activity. Provide subject matter expertise in support of SOLIC/SO&CT i to establish and/or refine, implement and monitor compliance with policy, governance and implementation documents for maritime, aviation and terrestrial SAs and programs being conducted or planned by SOF. Such documents will typically include program or organizational charters, contracts, Execute Orders, Planning Orders, Concepts of Operation, and Deployment Orders. Conceptualize, research, organize and produce briefing materials related to SOF SAs for presentation to or use by DoD staff and leadership during intra and inter-departmental engagements such as USSOCOM and GCC sensitive activity conferences, meetings, hearings and other fora and, in particular, meetings of the Special Operations Policy Oversight Council in which SOF SAs or programs are under discussion. Monitor and assess the execution of SOF SAs and programs to proactively identify, characterize and report to SOLIC/SO&CT staff and leadership, weaknesses, vulnerabilities and risks that could lead to program failure or exposure, significant policy repercussions, or embarrassment to the United States, the Department of Defense or our partners. Recommend mitigation measures or alternative courses of action to eliminate or minimize such risks, consistent with mission accomplishment. Provide experience-based, value-added operational perspective to senior policy decisions makers on SOF sensitive activities and ensure coordination with policy, legal and operational counterparts. Assist in hosting/chairing meetings, visitations or large meetings related to contingency and operations plans, emerging special operations opportunities and other initiatives.


  • Minimum 3 years of combined OSD and/or Service staff experience working SOF-related sensitive and special access program operations and policies. A combination of experience in both the maritime and aviation environment is desirable.
  • Minimum 3 years of experience with and extensive knowledge of USSOCOM special mission units.
  • Ability to interface with senior level management
  • Demonstrated excellent verbal, interpersonal and written communication skills
  • Demonstrated ability to provide technical support and advice
  • Experience with and knowledge of contracting oversight in a sensitive activities context is highly desirable, though such knowledge and experience do not have to have been obtained in a Contracting Officers Representative or similar role.


  • Must have at Active Top Secret/with SCI eligibility


  • Bachelor’s degree from accredited university
  • Preferred: Master’s degree from an accredited university in any field of study


  • Travel may be required, CONUS/OCONUS.
  • Normal Duty Hours – Monday-Friday, 0730-1630.
  • Mission may require extended shifts or weekend work.
  • Alternative Work Location/Telework may be considered on a case-by-case basis.

APPLY HERE: Special Operations Sensitive Activities and Compartmented Program Analyst

Special Operations Special Access Program Analyst


The Hoplite Group is seeking to hire a SAP Analysis support services member at the Pentagon, to support the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict (OASD SO/LIC) OASD SO/LIC’s responsibilities to provide the overall supervision (including oversight of policy and resources) of special operations activities.


The OSD SOLIC SAP Analysis support services member will provide one SME on Special Access Programs (SAP) and SO sensitive special operations (SSO) for DoD; focusing on capability development, programming, training, budget, execution and requirements. Provide day to day analysis and subject matter expertise in support of DOD SSO/SAP capabilities, roadmaps, fielding plans, Joint Staff requirements processes, program milestones, budget, and execution status. Provide experience-based specialized SSO and SAP special operations expertise and direct advice to SOIW leaders in direct support of ASD (SO/LIC). Collect, prepare, organize, log, track conduct briefs, charters, legal opinions and other foundational documents, provide reports and lead analysis of SSO/SAP capabilities. Provide SOIW an analysis of USSOCOM’s compliance with OSD priorities for Sensitive Activities and Special Access Programs following USSOCOM Integrated Process Team –building POM. Provide SOIW written SME analysis and advice for USSOCOM and OSD SOF Sensitive Activities and SSO Conferences. Provide SOIW analysis of SOF Sensitive Special Operations and Special Access Program authorities, related legislative proposals, and congressional mark ups, appeals. Provide technical assistance on SO SSO/SAP for congressional reports, directed studies, GAO reviews, DoD IG audits, and studies; Provide SME technical analysis of USSOCOM’s sensitive activity training programs, readiness reporting, and exercise programs for compliance with OSD policies and priorities. Provide SAP/SSO technical analysis and support to ASD (SO/LIC) representative for the Special Operation Policy Oversight Committee and USSOCOMs Special Access Program Oversight Counsel.


  • Minimum 3 years of combined OSD and/or Service staff working SOF-related sensitive and special access programs, requirements, planning, programming/budget processes, contracts, and policies.
  • Minimum 3 years of experience with and extensive knowledge of USSOCOM special mission units.
  • Ability to interface with senior level management
  • Demonstrated excellent verbal, interpersonal and written communication skills
  • Demonstrated ability to provide technical support and advice


  • Must have at Active Top Secret/SCI and Special Access Program clearance


  • Bachelor’s degree from accredited university
  • Preferred: Master’s degree from an accredited university in any field of study


  • Travel may be required, CONUS/OCONUS.
  • Normal Duty Hours – Monday-Friday, 0730-1630.
  • Mission may require extended shifts or weekend work.
  • Alternative Work Location/Telework may be considered on a case-by-case basis.

APPLY HERE: Special Operations Special Access Program Analyst

Special Operations Maritime Program Analyst


The Hoplite Group is seeking to hire a Maritime Program Analyst at the Pentagon, to support the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict (OASD SO/LIC) OASD SO/LIC’s responsibilities to provide the overall supervision (including oversight of policy and resources) of special operations activities.


The OSD SOLIC Maritime Program Analyst will provide technical SOF maritime support and advice. Ability to interface with senior level management. Demonstrated excellent verbal, interpersonal and written communication skills. Provide SO&IW staff with technical advice and analysis of SO maritime capabilities support and requirements in the OSD Planning, Programming and Budget processes and Joint Staff Requirement process resulting in the OSD Program Decision Memorandum (PDM) and Program Budget Decision (PBD). Provide SO maritime technical and analytical support to SO&IW representative for CAPE issue team meetings to resolve Program Objective Memorandum (POM) decisions. Provide SO&IW staff and SO/LIC leadership with technical advice on SO maritime capabilities, for congressional and interagency meetings engagements. Provide SO&IW analysis of USSOCOM’s Capability Planning Guidance (CPG) and Program Planning Instruction for compliance of SO-peculiar maritime programs to include SOF-undersea and sea surface capabilities, for material acquisition, modernization, and force development programs compliance with OSD policy and priorities. Provide SO&IW analysis of USSOCOM’s maritime programs and, when appropriate, identify and write papers addressing disconnects between SOCOM’s programs and other Services POMs. Provide SO&IW an analysis of USSOCOM’s SO maritime programs in POM baseline including SO maritime program milestones, fielding plans, roadmaps, budgets, and execution status. Provide SO&IW an analysis of USSOCOM’s compliance with OSD priorities for SO maritime program following USSOCOM Integrated Process Team –building POM; Provide written advice and recommendations to SO&IW representative for Functional Capabilities Board and weekly Working Group meetings that focus on maritime related issues. Provide technical assistance on SO maritime input for congressional reports, briefings, legislative proposals, and appeals. Provide SO maritime technical input for directed GAO reviews, DoD IG audits, and studies. Provide written technical analysis and support to ASD (SOLIC)’s representative at USSOCOM’s Maritime conference. Provide SO maritime technical analysis and support to ASD (SOLIC) representative at the Special Operation Policy Oversight Committee.


  • Minimum 4 years of combined Joint, OSD, or Service level maritime policies, programs, Joint requirements processes, and force management experience
  • Minimum 4 years of experience with USSOCOM Strategic Planning Process (SPP) or Service force management processes in the maritime area of expertise.


  • Must have at Active Top Secret/with SCI eligibility


  • Bachelor’s degree from accredited university
  • Preferred: Master’s degree from an accredited university in any field of study


  • Travel may be required, CONUS/OCONUS.
  • Normal Duty Hours – Monday-Friday, 0730-1630.
  • Mission may require extended shifts or weekend work.
  • Alternative Work Location/Telework may be considered on a case-by-case basis.

APPLY HERE: Special Operations Maritime Program Analyst

Special Operations Congressional and Budget Program Analyst


The Hoplite Group is seeking to hire a Legislative and Budget Program Analyst at the Pentagon, to support the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict (OASD SO/LIC) OASD SO/LIC’s responsibilities to provide the overall supervision (including oversight of policy and resources) of special operations activities.


The OSD SOLIC Legislative and Budget Program Analyst will provide SO&IW staff and SOLIC leadership with technical advice on Congress’ support for, interest in, and concerns regarding Special Operations (SO) man, train, equip issues. Provide SO&IW analysis of SO-personnel authorities, related legislative proposals, congressional marks up, and appeals. Provide technical support for development or processing of any SO-related Congressional hearings, reports, briefings and requests for information. Assist in drafting Congressional testimony for Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low Intensity Conflict (ASD SO/LIC) Annual Posture Statement. Provide SO&IW written advice and analysis of USSOCOM Commander’s congressional testimonies, talking points, and engagement plans. Provide technical support to SO&IW liaison to OSD/Legislative Affairs, Congress, and budget meetings. Provide SME technical support, analysis, assist in the review, develop recommendations and edits of President’s Budget (PB) justification exhibits and related briefings. Develop analysis recommendations for the PB strategy briefings and budget rollout for the ASD-SO/LIC. Assist in development, review, and monitoring of reprogramming actions, budget related conferences, and mid-year execution review.


  • Minimum 10 years of combined Joint, Interagency, OSD, or Service experience working with the staffs of the House and Senate Services and Appropriations committee
  • Minimum 10 years of experience drafting congressional testimony for senior Defense Officials
  • Minimum 7 years of experience at the Joint, Interagency, OSD or Services drafting and editing legislation, congressional reports, research, and strategic communications
  • Ability to interface with senior level management
  • Demonstrated excellent verbal, interpersonal and written communication skills
  • Demonstrated ability to provide technical support and advice


  • Must have at Active Top Secret/with SCI eligibility


  • Bachelor’s degree from accredited university
  • Preferred: Master’s degree from an accredited university in any field of study


  • Travel may be required, CONUS/OCONUS.
  • Normal Duty Hours – Monday-Friday, 0730-1630.
  • Mission may require extended shifts or weekend work.
  • Alternative Work Location/Telework may be considered on a case-by-case basis.

APPLY HERE: Special Operations Congressional and Budget Program Analyst

General Support Services – Policy Oversight Analyst


The Hoplite Group is seeking to hire a General Support Services member at the Pentagon, to support the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict (OASD SO/LIC) OASD SO/LIC’s responsibilities to provide the overall supervision (including oversight of policy and resources) of special operations activities.


The General Support Services member to support the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict (OASD SO/LIC) OASD SO/LIC’s responsibilities to provide the overall supervision (including oversight of policy and resources) of special operations activities.


The ability to prioritize and multi-task effectively in a fast-paced, publicly visible environment. Demonstrated knowledge of the executive/legislative decision-making process. Demonstrated knowledge of USSOCOM, subordinate organizations, DOD, and Service roles and missions. Skill in dealing effectively with voluminous amounts of information. Experience in preparing and presenting highly complex technical material or highly complex issues, or both, to non-specialists. Experience in assessing the political and institutional environment in which decisions are made and implemented. Demonstrated ability to exercise judgment in all phases of analysis — ranging from sorting out the most important problems, to sifting evidence, and framing feasible options. Demonstrated ability to effectively express ideas orally and in writing, using appropriate language, organizing ideas, and marshaling facts in an objective manner. Demonstrated ability to work effectively under the pressure of tight time-frames and rigid deadlines. Draft and coordinate action packages and other correspondence related to your area of special operations policy and resources expertise for senior DoD leadership; coordinate, plan, and develop policies and initiatives appropriate for strategic guidance documents or DoD issuances such as directives or instructions. Minimum 5 years of experience using communication skills, both written and oral, to include preparation of written products for senior leader (general officer/flag officer/senior executive service level).


  • Must have at Active Top Secret/with SCI eligibility


  • Bachelor’s degree


  • Travel may be required, CONUS/OCONUS.
  • Normal Duty Hours – Monday-Friday, 0730-1630.
  • Mission may require extended shifts or weekend work.
  • Alternative Work Location/Telework may be considered on a case-by-case basis.

APPLY HERE: General Support Services – Policy Oversight Analyst

AOC Operational Training Development Personnel

The Hoplite Group is seeking Operational Training Development (OTD) Personnel highly experienced in instructional system development to support government-led maintenance and execution of all 505 TTG formal courses. Additionally, support 505 CCW operational-level training events (as required) and the 505 CCW/Advance Programs (AP) Air Component Special Technical Operations Planners Course (ACSTOPC). In addition to the courses addressed above, the following 505 TRS Formal Training Unit (FTU) courses currently require support: AOC Initial Qualification Training (IQT) Network Administrator Course, AOC IQT Systems Administrator Course, AOC Fundamentals Course, Joint Air Operations Command and Control Course, AOC IQT Air Mobility Division Course, AOC IQT Airspace Course, AOC IQT Combat Operations Division Course, AOC IQT Communications Course, AOC IQT Combat Plans Division Course, AOC IQT Integrated Air and Missile Defense Course, AOC IQT Interface Control Operator Course, AOC IQT Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Operator Course, AOC IQT Personnel Recovery Coordination Cell Course, AOC IQT Strategy Division Course, AOC IQT Combat Plans/Operations Technician Course.


OTD Personnel will provide guidance in Instructional Systems Development (ISD) in accordance with AFH 36-2235, as well as routinely analyze system requirements to successfully determine required tasks, conditions, standards, and behavioral outcomes for courses to meet ACC training needs. Assist and advise military, government civilian, contractor instructors and course managers/directors in correctly applying instructional system design process. Conduct period reviews of instructional design plans, instructional methods and teaching strategies. Develop and review concise written polices and directives that establish evaluation and assessment procedures for all courses. Provide periodic oral and written updates on student admissions, testing and compliance metrics. Biannually compile the Graduate Evaluation Report summary report suitable for release to higher headquarters by collecting and analyzing data using electronic statistical software, and interpreting results. Conduct recurring evaluations on courseware and classroom instruction to ensure learning objectives and measurement instruments are accomplishing their intended purpose. Maintain current knowledge of available and projected educational technologies and instructional techniques. Provide accurate recommendations and detailed analysis on the selection and application of all educational technology. Oversee the operation of evaluation data system, which includes automated decision support systems and electronic database systems. Review data such as course validation statistics, test analysis statistics, comparative studies of student progress and observation of instructional methods including the use of training devices, equipment and facilities. Develop and administer surveys to obtain feedback from students, graduates, their supervisors, and instructors. Conduct analysis and summer of statistical results. Develop new instruments used in collection and recording course and instructor performance data. Develop valid and reliable questionnaires, surveys and interviews targeting course graduates and their supervisors. Conduct trend analysis on data collected and make recommendations for improving courses. Provide and maintain course material consistent with AFIs, AFTTPs, ACC and USAFWC Directives, 505 CCW and 705 TRS guidelines.


· Have formal training in ISD

· At least 2 years of practical ISD application

· Understanding of AFH 36-2235 and ACCIs series directives

· 10 years of DoD military experience


· Active TS/SCI clearance


· Bachelors degree or higher from a regionally accredited university or college​


· Telework will be considered on a case-by-case basis in accordance with the Unit’s SOPs

· Normal duty hours are 0730-1630, M-F. Duties may be adjusted to meet mission requirements, which could be outside the normal workweek and require extended shifts/and or weekend work.


HQE-SM Administrative Support – Hurlburt Field, FL

The Hoplite Group is seeking Administrative Support personnel to provide scheduling and administrative support for the Highly Qualified Expert – Senior Mentor (HQE-SM) program and for exercise support personnel who advise, and assist the operational-AFCHQ staffs, at the Director and Division Chief level, during major exercises and contingency operations at both CONUS and OCONUS locations. Identify the best capabilities for developing the Air Force’s command and control process knowledge, systems applications, and warfighting leadership. Interact with warfighters during major exercises, experiments, war games, tests, senior officer training, and academic courses. Deliver instruction in academic venues (i.e., lecture, seminar, and practicum) as well as over-the-shoulder during dynamic exercise environments. Provide peer- level advice, assistance, training, and performance feedback to warfighting professionals, enhancing their leadership and command and control skills at the operational level of war. Exercise support for each exercise typically consists of several planning conferences, several planning activities, and an exercise execution period. Senior Exercise Support personnel shall provide necessary services to support Operational Command Training Program (OCTP) directed activities with respect to all Tier 1 and major AFCHQ exercises, joint- operational warfighter exercises, senior-level academics, and senior-level developmental seminars and summits. The service will include SMEs as well as scheduling and administrative support to associated personnel. Senior Exercise Support SMEs will instruct 705 TRS academic training programs. Senior Exercise Support SMEs will be considered guest instructors and will not be required to obtain academic instructor certification; instruction will be coordinated by the respective course manager.


HQE-SM Exercise Support Administrative Assistant coordinate with host/requesting organizations, HAF, AU, AFCHQs, and other DoD organizations. Arrange all aspects of travel, using DTS to include itineraries, rental vehicles, and hotel reservations for HQEs, and notify appropriate activity of proposed visits; time of arrival and departure, personnel to be contracted and purpose of travel. Administrative Assistant will be responsible for travel orders, country clearances and worksheets in support of program missions as well as on-boarding, security clearance, timecards and other administrative tasks pertaining to the HQE-SM Program. When available, will support training courses to include assisting with scheduling, administrative tasks, hospitality, and protocol activities as directed. Such activities will not include responsibility or the accountability/control of Government Payment sources such as but not limited to petty cash or purchasing cards. Must possess knowledge of time and attendance tracking (timecards) and reporting procedures, data management skills to prepare charts, graphs, databases, and spreadsheets in order to enter, revise, sort, research, calculate and retrieve data.


· At least 2 years of Administrative experience

· Proficient with multimedia operations, Microsoft Operating Systems, and Microsoft Office Suite.

· Understanding of DOD and AF manning, training and TDY budgeting process

· Understanding of DTS


· Active Secret clearance


· Associate degree or higher from a regionally accredited university or college


· Telework will be considered on a case-by-case basis in accordance with the Unit’s SOPs

· Normal duty hours are 0730-1630, M-F. Duties may be adjusted to meet mission requirements, which could be outside the normal workweek and require extended shifts/and or weekend work.


AOC Senior Exercise Support Personnel – Hurlburt Field, FL

The Hoplite Group is seeking AOC Senior Exercise Support Personnel highly experienced in AFCHQ AOC and AFFOR operations to perform the duties as an AOC Director SME, Combat Plans Division Chief SME, Combat Operations Division Chief SME, ISR Division Chief SME, Non-Kinetics Effects SME, and AFCHQ AFFOR Functional Director SME to support executive-level training, advise, and assist the operational AFCHQ staffs, at the Director and Division Chief level, during major exercises and contingency operations at both CONUS and OCONUS locations. Identify the best capabilities for developing the Air Force’s command and control process knowledge, systems applications, and warfighting leadership. Interact with warfighters during major exercises, experiments, war games, tests, senior officer training, and academic courses. Deliver instruction in academic venues (i.e., lecture, seminar, and practicum) as well as over-the-shoulder during dynamic exercise environments. Provide peer- level advice, assistance, training, and performance feedback to warfighting professionals, enhancing their leadership and command and control skills at the operational level of war. Exercise support for each exercise typically consists of several planning conferences, several planning activities, and an exercise execution period. Senior Exercise Support personnel shall provide necessary services to support Operational Command Training Program (OCTP) directed activities with respect to all Tier 1 and major AFCHQ exercises, joint- operational warfighter exercises, senior-level academics, and senior-level developmental seminars and summits. The service will include SMEs as well as scheduling and administrative support to associated personnel. Senior Exercise Support SMEs will instruct 705 TRS academic training programs. Senior Exercise Support SMEs will be considered guest instructors and will not be required to obtain academic instructor certification; instruction will be coordinated by the respective course manager.


Exercise Support Personnel must be a USAF certified instructor or equivalent with superior written and verbal communication skills. Exercise Support Personnel must have specialized C2 training (C2WAC, JAOSC, JAC2C, JSSC, etc.) and cross-functional experience (service component and/or JTF/Combatant Command Staff Principle). Must understand exercise development, training management, and UJTL based training objectives.

AOC Director must have at least 3 years on an AFCHQ AOC or AFFOR Staff in a leadership capacity preferably as Division Chief or Director. Practical experience executing the Joint Planning Process. Actively participated in at least 2 planning events. At least 2 years as an AOC Director performing leadership duties. Participate in a Minimum of 5 exercises or real-world contingencies. AOC Director must demonstrate skills in comprehensive AOC operations, to include ATO coordinator. A working knowledge of requisite TBMCS applications, joint USAF doctrine, USAF service and functional component roles, and relationships, JOPES processes.

Combat Plans Division Chief SME must have successfully completed a military command tour at a Squadron level or above and 2 years as a Combat Plans Division Chief, performing leadership duties during minimum 5 exercises or real-world contingencies. Must have demonstrated knowledge and skill in strategy development and operational assessment activities as well as working knowledge of TBMCS applications, Joint and USAF Doctrine, to include USAF services and functional component roles and relationships. Comprehensive knowledge of TET responsibilities, development of JIPTL, MAAP team responsibilities, development of Air Battle Plan with excellent superior written and verbal communication skills. Certified USAF instructor or equivalent.

Combat Operations Division Chief SME must have successfully completed a military command tour at squadron level or above and 2 years of experience as Combat Operations Division Chief (CCO) performing leadership duties during minimum 5 exercises or real-world contingencies. Must have demonstrated knowledge and skill in CCO duties as well as the duties of a SODO to include Time Sensitive Targeting Processes, TBMCS applications and a strong knowledge of joint and USAF Doctrine to include USAF service and functional component roles and relationships.

ISRD Chief SME successfully completed a military command tour at squadron level or above and 2 years of experience as ISRD Chief performing leadership duties during a minimum of 5 exercises or real-world contingencies. Must have demonstrated knowledge and skill in full spectrum ISRD activities to include ISR operations: targeting, collection management, processing, exploitation, and dissemination management, and ACF as well as TBMCS applications and strong knowledge of Joint and USAF Doctrine to include USAF service and functional component roles and relationships.

Non-Kinetics (NK) Effects SME must have military experience at least at the 0-5 level, with a minimum of 2 years’ experience of planning and employing non-kinetics operations. The SME must have experience in Space, Cyber, and IFO capabilities with at least 2 years instructing these capabilities at the tactical and operational level. Must have demonstrated superior knowledge and skill in planning, coordinating, and integrating space, cyber and IFO capabilities into each of the ATO cycle processes (strategy, targeting, attack planning, ATO production, execution, and assessment) with working knowledge of TBMCS applications as well as have the knowledge and application of electronic warfare support, de-confliction, and targeting priorities.

AFCHQ AFFOR Functional Director SME must have served as an AFFOR Chief of Staff and have successfully completed a military command tour at squadron level or above with a minimum of 2 years’ experience as AFCHQ AFFOR HQs Chief of Staff or functional director (specifically A-2, A-3, A-4, A-5, or A-6, but no more than one from the same directorate), performing leadership duties during minimum 5 exercises or real-world contingencies. Must demonstrate superior knowledge and skill in one (preferably more) of the following: intelligence, operations, plans, communications, force protection, civil engineering, services, information management, medical, and safety with working knowledge of entire AFFOR HQ staff organization, processes, roles, and responsibilities. AFFOR SME must have the knowledge and application of Air and Space Expeditionary Task Force (AETF) requirements development, force readiness, deployment, base opening, sustainment, redeployment, and reconstitution. Must understand JOPES to include the TPFDD processes, C4I systems pertinent to primary functional area and familiarity with other key C4I systems for AFFOR HQ Staff such as GCCS, JOPS, DCAPES and SORTS. AFFOR SME must show strong knowledge of Joint and USAF Doctrine to include USAF service and functional component roles and relationships.


· Active TS/SCI clearance


· Bachelors degree or higher from a regionally accredited university or college


· Must be eligible to travel CONUS/OCONUS requiring a US Passport.

· Telework will be considered on a case-by-case basis in accordance with the Unit’s SOPs

· Normal duty hours are 0730-1630, M-F. Duties may be adjusted to meet mission requirements, which could be outside the normal workweek and require extended shifts/and or weekend work.


AOCIQT Network Engineer & Administrator – Hurlburt Field, FL
The Hoplite Group is seeking AOCIQT Network Engineer/Administrator to support government-led maintenance and execution of all 505 TTG formal courses. Additionally, support 505 CCW operational-level training events (as required) and the 505 CCW/Advance Programs (AP) Air Component Special Technical Operations Planners Course (ACSTOPC). In addition to the courses addressed above, the following 505 TRS Formal Training Unit (FTU) courses currently require support: AOC Initial Qualification Training (IQT) Network Administrator Course, AOC IQT Systems Administrator Course, AOC Fundamentals Course, Joint Air Operations Command and Control Course, AOC IQT Air Mobility Division Course, AOC IQT Airspace Course, AOC IQT Combat Operations Division Course, AOC IQT Communications Course, AOC IQT Combat Plans Division Course, AOC IQT Integrated Air and Missile Defense Course, AOC IQT Interface Control Operator Course, AOC IQT Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Operator Course, AOC IQT Personnel Recovery Coordination Cell Course, AOC IQT Strategy Division Course, AOC IQT Combat Plans/Operations Technician Course.


Network Engineers/Administrators will upgrade, integrate, install, configure, test, maintain, dismantle and turn in data/video communication networks – both hardware and software. Operate, maintain, and configure routers, switches, voice systems, VoIP/Video bridges, ITNs, comm racks and closet wiring. Engineers will maintain network encryption devices intended to apply encryption internal to the base campus – i.e., TACLANE’s providing local SIPRNET, and JWICS connectivity. Engineers will perform internal campus network fault notification and management, DNS/DHCP IP administration; install and administration on base campus wireless network devices. Implement network management planning, active network monitoring, Install and administer on base network infrastructure, router/switch preventive maintenance inspections to include IOS upgrades. As well as responsibilities delegated by the AOC System Manager to optimize performance and quality of service to ensure and maintain a 98% uptime and network is available 2-days prior to course execution or as directed.


· CompTIA Security Plus certificate or equivalent

· Must have experience with IT concepts, practices, and procedures as certified IAW DoD 8570.01-M IAT II and industry standards.

· Understand interconnectivity of wireless, fiber optics, coaxial and copper broadband and baseband.


· Active TS/SCI clearance


· Bachelors degree or higher from a regionally accredited university or college


· Telework will be considered on a case-by-case basis in accordance with the Unit’s SOPs

· Normal duty hours are 0730-1630, M-F. Duties may be adjusted to meet mission requirements, which could be outside the normal workweek and require extended shifts/and or weekend work.


AOCIQT Systems Engineer & Administrator – Hurlburt Field, FL

The Hoplite Group is seeking AOCIQT Systems Engineer/Administrator to support government-led maintenance and execution of all 505 TTG formal courses. Additionally, support 505 CCW operational-level training events (as required) and the 505 CCW/Advance Programs (AP) Air Component Special Technical Operations Planners Course (ACSTOPC). In addition to the courses addressed above, the following 505 TRS Formal Training Unit (FTU) courses currently require support: AOC Initial Qualification Training (IQT) Network Administrator Course, AOC IQT Systems Administrator Course, AOC Fundamentals Course, Joint Air Operations Command and Control Course, AOC IQT Air Mobility Division Course, AOC IQT Airspace Course, AOC IQT Combat Operations Division Course, AOC IQT Communications Course, AOC IQT Combat Plans Division Course, AOC IQT Integrated Air and Missile Defense Course, AOC IQT Interface Control Operator Course, AOC IQT Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Operator Course, AOC IQT Personnel Recovery Coordination Cell Course, AOC IQT Strategy Division Course, AOC IQT Combat Plans/Operations Technician Course.


Systems Engineer/Administrator will upgrade, integrate, install, configure, test, maintain, dismantle and turn in data and video communication networks – both hardware and software. Maintain and provide situational awareness for all systems, servers, workstations, peripherals, communication devices, and software as well as properly configured for on-line network operations and are available to customers. Engineers will perform the responsibilities delegated by the AOC System Manager to optimize performance and quality of service. Assign and maintain user IDs and passwords, administer user privileges on the system. Perform routine system maintenance. Work with the FTU Help Desk to implement network security policies/procedures. Implement software patches/security fixes required by the AOC System Manager, Information System Security Manager (ISSM), and/or program management office. Ensuring and maintaining a 98% uptime and AOC systems are available 2-days prior to course execution or as directed. System Engineer/Administrator must comply with polices IAW AFI 17-100.


· CompTIA Security Plus certificate or equivalent

· Must have experience with IT concepts, practices, and procedures as certified IAW DoD 8570.01-M IAT II and industry standards.

· Understand interconnectivity of wireless, fiber optics, coaxial and copper broadband and baseband.


· Active TS/SCI clearance


· Bachelors degree or higher from a regionally accredited university or college


· Telework will be considered on a case-by-case basis in accordance with the Unit’s SOPs

· Normal duty hours are 0730-1630, M-F. Duties may be adjusted to meet mission requirements, which could be outside the normal workweek and require extended shifts/and or weekend work.


AOCIQT Network Engineer & Administrator – Hurlburt Field, FL

The Hoplite Group is seeking AOCIQT Network Engineer/Administrator to support government-led maintenance and execution of all 505 TTG formal courses. Additionally, support 505 CCW operational-level training events (as required) and the 505 CCW/Advance Programs (AP) Air Component Special Technical Operations Planners Course (ACSTOPC). In addition to the courses addressed above, the following 505 TRS Formal Training Unit (FTU) courses currently require support: AOC Initial Qualification Training (IQT) Network Administrator Course, AOC IQT Systems Administrator Course, AOC Fundamentals Course, Joint Air Operations Command and Control Course, AOC IQT Air Mobility Division Course, AOC IQT Airspace Course, AOC IQT Combat Operations Division Course, AOC IQT Communications Course, AOC IQT Combat Plans Division Course, AOC IQT Integrated Air and Missile Defense Course, AOC IQT Interface Control Operator Course, AOC IQT Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Operator Course, AOC IQT Personnel Recovery Coordination Cell Course, AOC IQT Strategy Division Course, AOC IQT Combat Plans/Operations Technician Course.


Network Engineers/Administrators will upgrade, integrate, install, configure, test, maintain, dismantle and turn in data/video communication networks – both hardware and software. Operate, maintain, and configure routers, switches, voice systems, VoIP/Video bridges, ITNs, comm racks and closet wiring. Engineers will maintain network encryption devices intended to apply encryption internal to the base campus – i.e., TACLANE’s providing local SIPRNET, and JWICS connectivity. Engineers will perform internal campus network fault notification and management, DNS/DHCP IP administration; install and administration on base campus wireless network devices. Implement network management planning, active network monitoring, Install and administer on base network infrastructure, router/switch preventive maintenance inspections to include IOS upgrades. As well as responsibilities delegated by the AOC System Manager to optimize performance and quality of service to ensure and maintain a 98% uptime and network is available 2-days prior to course execution or as directed.


· CompTIA Security Plus certificate or equivalent

· Must have experience with IT concepts, practices, and procedures as certified IAW DoD 8570.01-M IAT II and industry standards.

· Understand interconnectivity of wireless, fiber optics, coaxial and copper broadband and baseband.


· Active TS/SCI clearance


· Bachelors degree or higher from a regionally accredited university or college


· Telework will be considered on a case-by-case basis in accordance with the Unit’s SOPs

· Normal duty hours are 0730-1630, M-F. Duties may be adjusted to meet mission requirements, which could be outside the normal workweek and require extended shifts/and or weekend work.


C2 KM Tactics Development Development Personnel – Hurlburt Field, FL

The Hoplite Group is seeking Tactics Development personnel with in-depth knowledge of AOC/AFFOR and C2 Portal KM to support government-led maintenance and execution of all 505 TTG formal courses. Additionally, support 505 CCW operational-level training events (as required) and the 505 CCW/Advance Programs (AP) Air Component Special Technical Operations Planners Course (ACSTOPC). In addition to the courses addressed above, the following 505 TRS Formal Training Unit (FTU) courses currently require support: AOC Initial Qualification Training (IQT) Network Administrator Course, AOC IQT Systems Administrator Course, AOC Fundamentals Course, Joint Air Operations Command and Control Course, AOC IQT Air Mobility Division Course, AOC IQT Airspace Course, AOC IQT Combat Operations Division Course, AOC IQT Communications Course, AOC IQT Combat Plans Division Course, AOC IQT Integrated Air and Missile Defense Course, AOC IQT Interface Control Operator Course, AOC IQT Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Operator Course, AOC IQT Personnel Recovery Coordination Cell Course, AOC IQT Strategy Division Course, AOC IQT Combat Plans/Operations Technician Course.


Tactics Development Personnel will assist in administrative and management responsibilities, related to air component TTPs, and evolving training events such as AGILE Flag, and ACE related courses/events. Personnel will support AFTTP updates and related products, provide command liaison to other AOCs, AFFOR staff, services, agencies, and training or exercise entities to ensure the 505 CCW is active and aware of all evolving air component tactics activities, requirements, and issues. Personnel may be asked to accomplish squadron taskers, build/deliver briefings, draft papers, conduct analysis, attend conferences, other unit directed activities, TTP updates/rewrites, exercise support and participate in continuation training. Tactical Development Personnel will provide AOC/AFFOR expertise to support Lessons Learned role and be the primary website administrator a KM support to the 505th CCW Tactics Development and C2 Portal. Tactics Development KM personnel will ensure hosting and distribution of tactics related information, products, and 505 CCW training courses, as well as coordinate updates with course management teams and 705th TRS leadership.


· At least one year experience in AFCHQ Ops at an operational level of warfare as Action Officer.

· 10 years of DoD military experience

· Must have practical experience and actively participated in 2 or more planning events

· At least one year experience in TTP development to include contribution to a Flash Bulletin, Tactics Bulletin, and AFTTP 3-1/3-3 re-writes

· Previous Knowledge Management experience

· Microsoft SharePoint management experience on NIPRNET, SIPRNET and JWICS

· Proficient with multimedia operations, Microsoft Operating Systems, and Microsoft Office Suite.


· Active TS/SCI clearance


· Bachelors degree or higher from a regionally accredited university or college


· Tactics Development Personnel must be eligible to travel to support tactics development conferences including CAFWEPTAC.

· CONUS/OCONUS travel may occur requiring a valid passport.

· Telework will be considered on a case-by-case basis in accordance with the Unit’s SOPs

· Normal duty hours are 0730-1630, M-F. Duties may be adjusted to meet mission requirements, which could be outside the normal workweek and require extended shifts/and or weekend work.


AOC Scenario Development Personnel – Hurlburt Field, FL

The Hoplite Group is seeking Scenario Development personnel with in-depth knowledge of Joint Air, Space and Cyber Operations, Air Component, and Joint Planning Processes to support government-led maintenance and execution of all 505 TTG formal courses. Additionally, support 505 CCW operational-level training events (as required) and the 505 CCW/Advance Programs (AP) Air Component Special Technical Operations Planners Course (ACSTOPC). In addition to the courses addressed above, the following 505 TRS Formal Training Unit (FTU) courses currently require support: AOC Initial Qualification Training (IQT) Network Administrator Course, AOC IQT Systems Administrator Course, AOC Fundamentals Course, Joint Air Operations Command and Control Course, AOC IQT Air Mobility Division Course, AOC IQT Airspace Course, AOC IQT Combat Operations Division Course, AOC IQT Communications Course, AOC IQT Combat Plans Division Course, AOC IQT Integrated Air and Missile Defense Course, AOC IQT Interface Control Operator Course, AOC IQT Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Operator Course, AOC IQT Personnel Recovery Coordination Cell Course, AOC IQT Strategy Division Course, AOC IQT Combat Plans/Operations Technician Course.


Scenario Development Personnel will create robust training scenarios (media products and planning documents) to support specific learning objectives for AFCHQ operational level planning. One of the Scenario Developers will support the 505th TRS in developing, synchronizing, and maintaining scenarios, produce the Master Scenario Event List (MSEL), event scheduling utilizing Part Task Trainer (PTT). Scenario Developer personnel should understand the processes and systems used for developing and publishing the following products: CONOPS, SPINS, OPORDs, OPLANs, JAOPS, AODs, Plan Annexes/Appendices, ACPs, ATO, ACOs, FrOB, Tactical guidance/directives, FRAGOs, and RSTAs. Scenario development personnel shall attend squadron instructor academics and continuation training events, as available. Scenario Development Personnel may be tasked to accomplish squadron taskers; build/deliver briefings; draft papers; conduct analysis; attend conferences and other unit-directed activities; participate in TTP updates or rewrites; provide exercise support; and participate in continuation training. Prioritization of effort between these activities and course execution/maintenance responsibilities will be at the discretion of the Government.


· Proficient with multimedia operations, Microsoft Operating Systems, and Microsoft Office Suite.

· 10 years of DoD military experience


· Active TS/SCI clearance


· Bachelors degree or higher from a regionally accredited university or college


· Scenario Development Personnel must be eligible to travel to attend training, site visits and other appropriate meetings/conferences CONUS/OCONUS requiring a valid passport.

· Telework will be considered on a case-by-case basis in accordance with the Unit’s SOPs

· Normal duty hours are 0730-1630, M-F. Duties may be adjusted to meet mission requirements, which could be outside the normal workweek and require extended shifts/and or weekend work.


AOC Student Services Personnel – Hurlburt Field, FL
The Hoplite Group is seeking Student Support Services personnel for all 505 and 705th courses averaging 3,000 students/year on government-led maintenance and execution of all 505 TTG formal courses. Additionally, support 505 CCW operational-level training events (as required) and the 505 CCW/Advance Programs (AP) Air Component Special Technical Operations Planners Course (ACSTOPC). In addition to the courses addressed above, the following 505 TRS Formal Training Unit (FTU) courses currently require support: AOC Initial Qualification Training (IQT) Network Administrator Course, AOC IQT Systems Administrator Course, AOC Fundamentals Course, Joint Air Operations Command and Control Course, AOC IQT Air Mobility Division Course, AOC IQT Airspace Course, AOC IQT Combat Operations Division Course, AOC IQT Communications Course, AOC IQT Combat Plans Division Course, AOC IQT Integrated Air and Missile Defense Course, AOC IQT Interface Control Operator Course, AOC IQT Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Operator Course, AOC IQT Personnel Recovery Coordination Cell Course, AOC IQT Strategy Division Course, AOC IQT Combat Plans/Operations Technician Course.


Student Support Services personnel will manage training quotas for six MAJCOMs, Air National Guard, other services, and coalition nations that enroll students in training courses, perform all functions to support execution of assigned courses using Oracle Training Administration (OTA) system and other registration software as required. Personnel will build and/or manage course database, schedule and providing training line numbers for all courses to meet current and emerging requirements IAW MAJCOM Directives. Student Support Personnel will manage no shows and student records, budgeting to ensure AOC and AFFOR training programs are properly resourced, prepare detailed plans, budgets, and schedules for all courses, and validate annual student TDY budget. Identify training program travel funding requirements for inclusion in fiscal programing e.g., Program Objective Memorandum (POM). Provide support and advise on reprogramming funds and funding levels due to manpower, scheduling and other changes, assist in evaluating modifications to existing plans in response to changing environments. Support training courses to including with assisting with scheduling, administrative tasks, hospitality, and protocol activities as directed. Work with base organizations on behalf of students for administrative support and actions.


· Proficient with multimedia operations, Microsoft Operating Systems, and Microsoft Office Suite.

· Understanding of DOD and AF manning, training and TDY budgeting process

· Understanding of MAJCOM Directives

· Working knowledge of Oracle Training Administration (OTA)


· Active Secret clearance


· Associate degree or higher from a regionally accredited university or college


· Telework will be considered on a case-by-case basis in accordance with the Unit’s SOPs

· Normal duty hours are 0730-1630, M-F. Duties may be adjusted to meet mission requirements, which could be outside the normal workweek and require extended shifts/and or weekend work.


C2 Senior Instructor SME – Hurlburt Field, FL

The Hoplite Group is seeking Senior Instructors in the following areas of expertise: Offensive Cyber Operations, Fighter/Bomber, Space, Electronic Warfare, Intelligence and/or experience from both geographic and global AFCHQs. The Senior instructors will instruct or support instruction on government led and/or contractor led maintenance and execution of 505 TTG courses and 705 TRS course management/support to the Air Component Senior Leader Course (ACSLC), Combined Senior Staff Course (CSCC), and Lead Wing Command and Control Course (LWC2C) as well as general instructor support to the following courses and training events: Command and Control Warrior Advanced Course (C2WAC), Air Force Forces (AFFOR) Intermediate Staff Course (AISC), Senior Officer Just-in-time Air Component Training (SJAT), and other courses supporting multi-domain planning and supporting select portions of Air University’s (AU’s) Combined Force Air Component Commander (CFACC) Course, Air Mobility Command’s (AMC’s) Director of Mobility Forces (DIRMOBFOR) Course, and other Air Combat Command (ACC) and 505 CCW C2 operational-level and wing-level training events/courses.


Senior Instructors support general instruction in C2WAC, LWC2C training, and AISC on a rotational and cross-matrixed basis. Senior Instructors may also support senior-level courses for lessons related to their specific area of expertise. Senior Instructors will be expected to prepare classrooms for instruction, operate training equipment, issue student course ware, observe student planning exercises and provide verbal and written feedback on student performance, update course material as needed, develop, review, and respond to end of course critiques and develop, execute evaluation plan used to determine academic instruction effectiveness based on feedback. Develop continuity folders, reference material, audiovisual library, films, Training Plans, Training Task Lists, Syllabi of Instruction, Instructor Grades, Student Guides, media and other course ware as required. May be required to assist in squadron taskers, such as briefings, draft papers, conduct analysis, attend conferences, and exercise support.


· Senior Instructors must have expertise in multi-domain operations, joint planning, and the air tasking cycle.

· Highly desired that Senior Instructors have at least 3 years of AFCHQ experience, be post-2016 graduates of C2WAC and/or ACSTOPC, have participated in at least two Tier-1 operational-level exercises, have been an APG/OPG/OPT lead, graduated 13O IST or USAF Weapons School (or equivalent), rank-appropriate military PME, and/or have experience developing formal military courses.

· Or at least one year of experience within the past 5 years in an AFCHQ or as a similarly qualified instructor and/or operational level planning; such as, Battlefield Coordination Detachment (BCD) or Naval Liaison Element (NALE) with previous instructor experience.

· Preferably held positions in AFCHQs commensurate with that of an O-4 to O-6 and served as either a Branch/Team Chief or higher.

· Proficient with multimedia operations, Microsoft Operating Systems, and Microsoft Office Suite.


· Active TS/SCI clearance


· Bachelor’s Degree or higher from a regionally accredited university or college


· Instruction of courses can either be located at Hurlburt Field or at off-site locations (CONUS & OCONUS) requiring a valid passport.

· Telework will be considered on a case-by-case basis in accordance with the Unit’s SOPs

· Normal duty hours are 0730-1630, M-F. Duties may be adjusted to meet mission requirements, which could be outside the normal workweek and require extended shifts/and or weekend work.


AF Forces Staff Instructor SME – Hurlburt Field, FL
The Hoplite Group is seeking full time highly experienced instructors with subject matter expertise in Air Force Forces (AFFOR), A4 and A5 Directorate. The instructors will instruct or support instruction on government led and/or contractor led maintenance and execution of 505 TTG courses and 705 TRS course management/support to the Air Component Senior Leader Course (ACSLC), Combined Senior Staff Course (CSCC), and Lead Wing Command and Control Course (LWC2C) as well as general instructor support to the following courses and training events: Command and Control Warrior Advanced Course (C2WAC), Air Force Forces (AFFOR) Intermediate Staff Course (AISC), Senior Officer Just-in-time Air Component Training (SJAT), and other courses supporting multi-domain planning and supporting select portions of Air University’s (AU’s) Combined Force Air Component Commander (CFACC) Course, Air Mobility Command’s (AMC’s) Director of Mobility Forces (DIRMOBFOR) Course, and other Air Combat Command (ACC) and 505 CCW C2 operational-level and wing-level training events/courses.


Instructors will be expected to prepare classrooms for instruction, operate training equipment, issue student courseware, observe student planning exercises and provide verbal and written feedback on student performance, update course material as needed, develop, review, and respond to end of course critiques and develop, execute evaluation plan used to determine academic instruction effectiveness based on feedback. Develop continuity folders, reference material, audiovisual library, films, Training Plans, Training Task Lists, Syllabi of Instruction, Instructor Grades, Student Guides, media and other courseware as required. May be required to assist in squadron taskers, such as briefings, draft papers, conduct analysis, attend conferences, and exercise support.


· Proficient with multimedia operations, Microsoft Operating Systems, and Microsoft Office Suite.

· 10 years of DoD military experience in air component (A4, A5, AFFOR etc.)

· At least 1 year of previous course management software instruction

· Attend and complete 705th TRS instructor certification training


· Active TS/SCI clearance.


· Bachelor’s Degree or higher from a regionally accredited university or college


· Instruction of courses can either be located at Hurlburt Field or at off-site locations (CONUS & OCONUS) requiring a valid passport.

· Telework will be considered on a case-by-case basis in accordance with the Unit’s SOPs

· Normal duty hours are 0730-1630, M-F. Duties may be adjusted to meet mission requirements, which could be outside the normal workweek and require extended shifts/and or weekend work.


Please do NOT contact the ACA in regards to the posted job listings. The advertised positions are through the Air Commando Association’s corporate partners and the ACA has no information on the positions other than what is listed on this page. If you have any questions please direct them to the company that is advertising the opening.

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