On the Shoulders of Giants…

On the Shoulders of Giants…
Air Commando Hall of Fame
Air Commandos have been deeply involved in overt and covert operations around the globe from World War II (Europe, Pacific, China, Burma, and India), Korea, Vietnam, Grenada, the Balkans, Kosovo, Africa, Panama, Colombia, the Philippines, Iraq, Afghanistan and many more. These are men and women who served gallantly, usually without acclaim for themselves. In some cases, only their closest comrades, friends, or family members know the true sacrifices and contributions these Airmen made. As such, the Air Commando Association is seeking your help to properly recognize these professionals and their accomplishments by nominating them for the Air Commando Hall of Fame.

Again, we urge you to take a moment to reflect on your experiences to identify leaders who made a difference and nominate them for the Air Commando Hall of Fame. Please review the criteria and procedures before sending in your nomination. All submissions must be received by December 31st of each year. Submissions received after December 31st will NOT be considered until the following year.
When submitting a nomination, here is some additional information to consider:
Strong basic write-ups with specific examples of accomplishment
Good supporting documentation: active duty medals, and other official documents or citations highlighting SOF-specific contributions
How the nominee supported fellow Airmen, Air Commandos, and their local SOF communities during their active duty service
Service and contributions to the AFSOF community that went beyond active duty careers (i.e., contributions made on behalf of SOF after leaving active service