Furnish Family Gets Much Needed Support
Air Commando Foundation,
In October of 2021 we were notified that our sister-in-law tragically passed away and our nieces and nephew were put into foster care. Immediately upon hearing the news my wife Jessica left on a Red Cross flight from the United Kingdom to Florida to help get the children out of foster care. While Jessica was working to get us established in Florida, I was in England with our three children attempting to get humanitarian orders processed. Thanks to the amazing support of the 352 Special Operations Support Squadron our package submitted and approved within a few days. We were set to move the rest of the family to Hurlburt Field and establish a home in hopes of getting custody the children.
Moving for military families is nothing out of the ordinary but we found ourselves in financial difficulties. The expedited move and extra expenses associated with taking in three additional children took its toll. Our First Sergeant from the 352 SOSS reached out on our behalf to the ACA and explained the difficult situation we were in. The financial support ACF provided enabled us to settle into a home with all of the necessities needed to support three additional children. We have now been a family of eight for 8 months and all of the children are slowly settling in. Having 6 children under 10 years of age definitely adds to the fun and we never know what the next day will bring. Emotions sometimes run high but at the end of the day we wouldn’t have it any other way. The transition has brought to light different challenges, and we expect an uphill climb as the children move into their preteen years but we are ready. We cannot express enough gratitude to the Air Commando Foundation and the amazing family community of the Air Force Special Operations Command.
Sincerely, Cody & Jessica Furnish & family