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Submit Your Story for ACA Press

Our goal is to educate Air Commandos (and all other interested parties) past, present and future on the heritage, history, weapons systems, key units, current operations and overall contributions of Air Commandos towards the preservation of all the values that make this the greatest nation in history.
For over seventy years Air Commandos have led the way in American conflicts to protect and preserve the values that all Americans hold so dear. Literally from World War II till tonight, when deployed AFSOC forces will engage in the latest conflicts, Air Commandos have found unique ways to accomplish tasks that no other forces are equipped for or have the mindset to complete. Almost every effort that the National Command Authorities pass down to Air Force Special Operators is literally “No Fail”… ethos that was developed by the earliest Air Commandos and has been passed on through the generations as a heritage that must be preserved.

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Tell us who you are, where you served, what prompted you to write your story? Are you collaborating with other authors on this story? Have you wrote a book before?
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If you have a draft of your book, feel free to send it now. We allow word/text based documents and images/graphics such as .png, .jpg, and PDF.
Membership in the Air Commando Association is not required, if you are interested we would love to have you join us.

We invite you to submit your book idea for ACA Press. Our volunteer editorial staff will review your submission and respond accordingly. The Air Commando Association Press is not responsible for any costs, fees, or charges to develop, produce, or print the books. All expenses are paid by the author. Once printed the books are available for sale with all proceeds donated to the Air Commando Association, a 501(c)3 non profit veterans organization. Please note, a submission of any kind by you does not hold the Air Commando Association to any contractual agreement to develop, print, or publish your story or idea.