ACJ Vol 2/3

Publisher: Bill Holt
Editor: Paul Harmon
Managing Editor: Rick Newton
Senior Editor: Scott McIntosh
Contributing Editor: Ron Dains
Contributing Editor: Mike Russell
Layout Editor/Graphics: Jeanette Elliott
Advertising: Melissa Gross

In October it will be 12 years running America has been at war. Throughout, Special Operations has led the way. And some of the first in (and still there) were warriors from AFSOC. There is no more heavily deployed command in the Air Force than AFSOC. And it naturally follows there are no more heavily tasked units in the nation than some of AFSOC’s squadrons. Members with more than 20 deployments are not unusual. True to the “Silent Professional” creed, neither the nation, nor anyone outside the inner circle of AFSOC and its many satisfied customers, have heard a lot about their accomplishments. There have been many and these accomplishments have had a profound impact on the outcome of innumerable operations. These proud men and women have gone about doing the nation’s business with total professional aplomb. This edition of the ACJ is dedicated to these American heroes and their families that have given so much at such a high price. A signifcant number of AFSOC warriors have paid the supreme sacrifice and have been wounded in action since 9/11. These are the visible tolls. The less visible are the impacts that these losses and injuries have had on innumerable Air Commando families.
In this edition there are some great renditions of Air Commando achievements and the makeup of the Air Commando Ethos. We also have a great article highlighting one of the most altruistic Air Commandos of all time, Major John Grove. He gave a lot and if he were alive today, he would still be finding ways to assist those that have needs greater than his. Indeed, he would be proud that the Air Commando Association has evolved into an organization that has as one of its basic tenets “Helping Air Commandos and their families, past, present, and future.” ACA has been honored to assist many of our warriors and their families in times of unmet needs. Unfortunately, those needs have been many and will continue for the foreseeable future. ACA, through our Foundation, is partnering with our generous membership, the US Special Operations Command Care Coalition, and others, to raise funds to continue to honor those that have needs greater than our own….just as John Grove would have wanted. As you enjoy this edition of ACJ, we ask all to reflect on the tremendous sacrifices that Air Commandos and their families have faced quietly doing the Nation’s bidding since WWII. Any time….Any place.